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Manifestation du 50aire de l’independance de la RD Congo aux USA avec Bwanga Tshimen, Raoul Kidumu, Kibonge Jeff and Mayanga Adelard.

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Par Eloge MakomboLa version francaise va suivre

Save the date — Wednesday, June 30, 2010   

As we prepare to celebrate our 50th Anniversary of independence, and our 10th anniversary of our soccer tournament, “Le Tournoi du 30 Juin,” (in Northern Virginia from July 2nd to July 5th, 2010), Congolese Athletic Unified and Social Enrichment (CAUSE) is proud and honored to have among us Congolese living legends, the 1974 Leopards World Cup and African Championship players: Bwanga Tshimen, Raoul Kidumu, Kibonge Jeff and Mayanga Adelard.  Please mark your calendars for a get-together on Wednesday, June 30th from 6pm-9pm.  An invitation will be sent out later this week with more details.   Thanks